
The company Gamma-Service Medical GmbH was founded on 01.01.2007. Based on the experience of the employees of the sister company Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH, the field of medical technology was spun off into the Gamma-Service Medical GmbH. The main business area of the company is the worldwide distribution of medical, research and technical irradiation facilities as well as associated consulting and services. Since 1st of June 2017 we belong to Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG.


We are certified as follows:

We act according to the following permits:

  • Radiation protection act §12, §25
  • France CODEP-DTS-2016-008397


International Product Approvals:

    Brasil        Biobeam GM 2000, Biobeam GM 3000, Biobeam GM 8000, GSR C1
    China Biobeam GM 2000, Biobeam GM 8000, GSR C1
    IsraelBiobeam GM 2000, Biobeam GM 3000, Biobeam GM 8000
    KoreaBiobeam GM 8000
    MexicoBiobeam GM 2000
    PeruBiobeam GM 2000, Biobeam GM 3000
    Saudi Arabia           Biobeam GM 2000, Biobeam GM 3000, Biobeam GM 8000
    Serbia                    GSR C1


    Our Code of Conduct:                   PDF

    History of the Gamma-Service companies

    • 1998 GSR
      Foundation of Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH with head office in Leipzig, a second office is located in Radeberg. The company's focus is on the supply and recycling of radioactive materials from research, medicine and industry, the dismantling and decontamination of facilities, radionuclide laboratories and other constructions, as well as the reprocessing of radioactive sources.
    • 2007 GSM
      Foundation of Gamma-Service Medical GmbH as a sister company of Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH by Jürgen Reckin. The company has experience in after sales service and equipment manufacturing as well as a complete line of blood irradiation equipment. As a manufacturer of medical products, Gamma-Service Medical GmbH operates in the customer group of transfusion medicine and research irradiation.
    • 2008 ITD
      Foundation of Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH in Dresden-Rossendorf. The company specializes, among other things, in the production of equipment for the production of radiochemicals and radiopharmaceuticals, hot cells, filling and distribution cells, maniplulators and workplace and laboratory equipment.
    • 2009 GSG International
      Founding of GSG International, based in Pfäffikon, Switzerland.
    • 2011 Isotrend
      Takeover of the company Isotrend spol. s.r.o. based in Prague by Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH. Isotrend specializes in the production, distribution, quality inspection, dismantling, delivery and disposal of radioactive sources, as well as the maintenance and supply of non-destructive testing gamma-ray projectors.
    • 2017 Acquisition of the group by the Berlin based Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG
      The Eckert & Ziegler Group is one of the world's largest manufacturers of radioactive components for medical, scientific and metrological purposes. The company focuses on applications in cancer therapy, industrial radiometry and nuclear medicine diagnostics. The operating business is divided into the following three segments: Radiotherapy, Isotope Products and Radiopharma.


    Dr. Gunnar Mann                                              Jens Baldeweg